Tuesday, October 1, 2013

mix 'em & match 'em: florals

If you are anything like I am, or the other other 7.023 billion people on Earth, you might have a tendency to get tired of what is hanging in your closet.  Sites like Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr are a constant reminder of the following:

1. How fun and quirky some ladies(gentlemen too) can be.
2. How so "over" we are with our own wardrobe.
3. How we wish illegally downloaded closets were a thing.

via: ehandesigns.com

Are you with me?  Are you getting frustrated just thinking about your "My Style ♥" board is?  Okay, stay with me we will get through this.  What if I told you that updating your entire look is possible with one solution?  Well hold onto your pashmina from junior high(no shame) and keep scrollin'. 


Whether it is a blouse you received for Christmas that resembles a lovely couch or a simple poke-a-dot that need a little tlc.  The answer is mixing what you already have into new and unique combinations.  Below is a guide to Florals and a couple patterns that "work".

These prints were made in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop by me, Sarah Katherine Ormsby.

This trend of mixing different types of prints has been on the runways for several seasons and have become more mainstream recently.  

You might be thinking to yourself, "This girl has no idea what she is talking about.." To which I would remind you that I am not saying mix different patterns with non-complementary color palettes but rather take prints that complement each other in unique ways.

Test it out on a small scale with a cardigan and a scarf.  However, be prepared for two things.
1.  Receiving letters of admiration from acquaintances regarding your revolutionary style cues.
2. Thanking me personally(or commenting.. this isn't 1878) for giving you that little kick in the printed pants to try something new! 

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