Tuesday, November 5, 2013

mix 'em & match 'em: polk-a-dots

Sometimes it is hard to spruce up a classic look.  Exhibit A: The Polk-A-Dot.  Everyone has them and there are about a million variations of this old school print.  Polk-a-dots can be dressed for a retro feel or to add a little femininity to Men's Wear inspired garb.

This guide gives the Polk-a-dot a modern twist.

Prints were made on Adobe Illustrator by me, Sarah Katherine Ormsby.  The Silver foil is aluminum foil.. which I did not make, clearly.

1.  Sometimes Polk-a-dots have a tendency to be a little flat so to add texture and shine I suggest a silver, gold or bronze foil based on the color palette you have going and your other accessories.  

2.  The second print I decided to pair with the Polk-a-dot is a Quatrefoil print.  Although Quatrefoils look like there is a lot going on, at its core it is a glorified polk-a-dot.  The simple layouts provide just enough contrast to keep things interesting so a subtle mix.

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