Thursday, November 14, 2013

mix 'em & match 'em: landscape

I love when art reflects life whether it be a landscape, like our featured print!  This Print Guide gives me a major case of the warm fuzzies because all the components can be very personal to the wearer (it could also be nostalgia kicking in due to a case of senioritis..).  I think we all have a couple items in our closet because of the way their aesthetics made us feel.  

The Landscape print is generally an allover print that cannot be kept off the runways for the past couple seasons.  Another example of a "landscape" all over print is the Galaxy print that has also taken off... like a rocket ship... do you get it?  Anyways..  Since this print is so attention grabbing alone you may wonder what you could possible pair it with without looking like a nature scrapbook, am I right?  Well read on!

All these prints were created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop by me, Sarah Katherine Ormsby.

1. Going with another nostalgic or personal print theme, I included a mock handwritten or Script print.  (In all honesty this may be a Pinterest craft that you created.)  I love the way all these prints sit together and I think the reason they all "work" together is thanks to this simple Script print.  A note on how this print was created: I use a pen and drawing tablet so I simply wrote a couple phrases in cursive.

2. This print is a new take on a very different bandanna print that I created this summer. (you can view the original on my website shameless plug here...).  I did manipulate it in Photoshop and then again in Illustrator for the curious.  The Paisley brings a little variation to the more realistic Landscape and script.

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