Wednesday, November 13, 2013

mix 'em & match 'em: aztec

Who said Aztec prints have to look like they have been around since... well... the Aztec people?!  This take on the recently popular print gives the normally rustic and worn print a feminine appeal.  Another plus for this print guide is that all of these all work together, creating a fantastic collaboration of three of the hottest print trends this year!

All these prints were created in Adobe Illustrator by me, Sarah Katherine Ormsby.

1. Chevron has had quite the spotlight lately and while it is a fantastic print by itself, it's even better paired with just about ANY other print.  In this case you can see that the Chevron mimics the lines created by our Aztec print.

Bonus!!! If you are feeling that your chevron has lost its appeal throw it with just about any other print you may have to give it a little facelift!

2. The Lace Skull is a softer take on a regular skull and crossbones.  This placement print would look wonderful on a top and when paired with a Chevron skirt and Aztec scarf you will be unstopapble in these beginning days of Winter!

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